Sunday, June 10, 2012

It's My First Blog Entry! (

Good day friends!

Several years ago, I came across a blog that discussed ways that anyone can make earn money at home. Unlike every other blog or writing on making money from home, this blog was actually honest about just how much money you can make from home (not a whole lot). Years later, I am again looking for ways to earn money from home. Sadly, however, that blog no longer exists. So, as I go though the process of finding home working opportunities, I thought I would provide the same service as that excellent blog by sharing the highs and lows of my own search. If things work out, we will both end up with opportunities to earn money from home and spend more time doing the things that we actually value.

I'm sure that right about now, you're wondering what product I am going to push. You're probably wondering what astronomical sums I am going to promise you for a "small investment . " I'm not g oing to promise you anything. Fact of the matter is, I have tried a number of those earn tons of money quickly and easily opportunities. And, you know what? I got scammed. My time AND money was stolen by people I never even saw. So, no. I'm not going to promise you tons of wealth and riches that you can make from the new pool in your back yard. Instead, I am going to share my trickles with you. By trickles, I refer to trickles of cash that with time and continuous efforts will turn into an actual cash flow.

I expect that this process is going to be a slow one. I will only recommend ventures where I've actually gotten paid. So, even though I'm working on several projects now. I will not recommend them until I actually get a check in my hand AND that check clears the bank.

So, without further ado, here is my recommendation for the month of June:
Web Address:
This website pays $.02 for each ad viewed. It's as simple as that. The site also pays a small commission when you sign up for different offers. I strongly recommend against signing up for offers UNLESS it's for a product or service that you were going to buy anyway or the product or service is free. Payout occurs when you reach $30 in your account and you will receive your payout within 30 days of your request date. I've actually received payouts several times. Right now, I'm saving my money until November. I'm planning to spend this money on holiday presents. How much will I make between now and November 1? I'm not sure. It depends on how many ads and videos I look at, how many offers I pursue and, how many searches I perform using the toolbar. I guess I'll let you know. So, if you want to earn a little trickle in five minutes a day. Check out