Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Year Later . . . Updates on Husslemoney: PAID ADS

I started this blog more than a year ago for a number of reasons:

  • I wanted to share my trickles of husslemoney with the rest of the world (some of the things I've done are pretty cool and pretty easy).
  • I wanted to increase the size of my trickles of husslemoney by having affiliates sign up under me.
  • I wanted to build up my writing portfolio.
Sadly, things haven't quite worked out as I'd hoped. My grandfather became ill (and I've been helping with his care), my mother has developed health issues, and I've been too distracted and tired to focus on this blog. The good news is, life has stabilized. And, although we still have health issues to contend with, my family is happy and well. And really, that's all anyone can hope for.

Thing is, while I wasn't writing to you, I was still working my husslemoney trickles. Some worked out better than others. I've added some trickles (and some very cool resources) and I've dropped some. So, here's an update on what I've been able to do with paid ads:

Inbox Dollars
Now, I should start by saying that you won't get rich with any of my trickles (hence the name trickle and not flood). But, I have found that spending five or ten minutes a day looking at paid ads can result in three or more $30 checks a year. Those $30 checks have come in pretty handy. I always plan to save my payouts until October/November, so I can have the money for the holidays. It hasn't worked out that way. Final word: Inbox Dollars ( www. offers an excellent opportunity to make a little side cash. They're legitimate, they're timely, they're worth the time that you spend. Warning: You CAN do this for FREE. Try not to pay for any of their offers (unless it's for a product that you really want and/or need).

Update: Do you know that you can print grocery store coupons from Inbox Dollars? Check out the coupon tab. There is a full selection of really good coupons for products that you buy every week. Here's the bonus, not only do you get the discounts on your groceries, but you are awarded $.10 for each coupon that you actually use by Inbox Dollars! Can you say ka-ching?!

Send Earnings
Send earnings is like the little sister of Inbox Their site is similarly formatted. They feature paid ads, surveys, videos and even coupons just like Inbox Dollars. Their payout, at $30,  is even the same as Inbox Final Word: Go for it! Adding five minutes to your paid ads time results in a payout increase of $90 or more (over the course of a year). It's definitely worth the very little effort. Don't forget to print your coupons!

At this point, I can't refer anyone to Hits4pay with a clear conscience. I have been checking this site every time I check Inbox Dollars and Send Earnings and for longer and I have yet to get even one $25 check. At one point, I didn't receive any ads for three months. I even started a blog entry about how Hits4Pay was a scam. Then, I started getting ads again. Final Word: I'm not saying that Hits4pay is a scam. It probably isn't. But after more than two years of viewing ads without receiving any kind of payment, I'm thinking that it may not be worth the effort. Check back again, tho'. I may change my mind.

I just started doing Jingit in the last couple of months. With Jingit, you receive approximately $.10 to view ads and answer three or four questions. What makes Jingit unique is that you can also receive payments for scanning products with your smart phone when visiting certain stores. Payouts of $10 can be received via music downloads or via Jingit card. Note: You do have to use your first $3 payout to actually purchase the card. After that, there are no fees. Final Word: It may be worth it, especially for teens and others who like to stream music online.

That's it for now. I am researching a few other paid ad sites. But, for now, these four are the only ones that I work with regularly.

 My new goal is to post a new blog entry each Sunday before midnight. So, here's wishing me luck.

Next week's topic:

A Year Later . . . Updates on Husslemoney: RESOURCES

Check back for a few of my favorite resources that I use in my daily quest to increase my trickles of husslemoney, work smart and increase my wealth.

NOTE: I see that more than 535 people have checked out this blog. I'd like to here from you. So, QUESTION: If I were going to have a contest with a free prize for subscribers, what would you think is a good prize? Now, be reasonable, please. Maximum value $25 or less. Please let me know in the comments.