Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Year Later . . . Updates on Husslemoney: RESOURCES

Have you ever stayed up half the night working on a project or planning a money-making venture? Yeah, me too. Question: How often have these late night efforts panned out into a steady stream of income that you could actually build a life with? Yeah, me too. Late last year, I realized that  I have been working like a dog (on my jobs, projects, and even trickles), with little to show for it. So, as I tried to figure out what I could do to increase my income, I would chant to myself, "Work smarter, not harder. Work smarter, not harder." All that chanting didn't do me a bit of good, however, until I came across the following resources. I hope you find them to be helpful, too:

1. DormRoomCash (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70hJmk0gYao1MwlIdD7YrA)

Let me begin by saying that Youtube.com is the greatest invention on the Internet. You can literally find videos on every topic under the sun (I use it for homeschooling almost everyday). That said, when I wanted to figure out a way to "work smarter not harder," I went to Youtube.comand and did a search. I don't remember the exact parameters, but I ended up with this YouTube channel: Dorm Room Cash. The channel features lots of ways that you can earn money from home. There are also regular updates with tips on how to further pursue the ventures you've previously set up. Ventures I've started because of this series: online tutoring and freelance writing. Go ahead, check it out! You won't be sorry!

2. OpenOffice.org

If you need to do some high level word processing, but can't afford the Microsoft Office Suite, check out OpenOffice.org by Apache. Hereis their description of what they are:

Apache OpenOffice is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be downloaded and used completely free of charge for any purpose.

I site Open Office as one of my greatest resources, because I use this software every day to manage my workload. I have created a master document that tracks my various projects (I believe I have about seven now) and their associated tasks. I also have documents where I track my work time and earnings. I could go on and on. Software rules! Apache's Open Office is a safe and effective software that will truly revolutionize the way you work.

3. Alison.com

Are there areas in your education and/or training where you are lacking? Yep, me too. I go to Alison.com to fix all of that. Alison.com is an online "school" where all of your classes and resulting certifications are completely free. You can study anything from Childhood development, to Twitter, to Search Engine Optimization, to Marketing. All classes are online and self-paced. I once took a class just so I could look more knowledgeable on my application. And yes, it did help. Alison isn't the only site out there that offers online training for free. I have found it to be one of the best, however.

I think I've blogged your ears off enough. Check out these resources. I swear they will really, really help.
Note: I am not getting paid to include these resources in my blog. I am telling you about them because I have found them to be extremely helpful in my quest to earn a healthy living working from home and on my own schedule.

Next time: Real online jobs. In the last year, I have found at least three LEGITIMATE work from home jobs (no investment required). I will give you a list of legitimate jobs you can apply for.

E-you soon! And, thanks for reading!

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