Monday, September 15, 2014

Some Trickles Are More Like A Flow . . . Mystery Shopping Online Jobs

My "trickles of husslemoney" can be big or they can be small. Most often, they are of the smaller (really small) variety. But recently, I had the opportunity to work on a husslemoney trickle that had a really nice flow. I mean, I was able to earn between $17 - $30 for each hour that I worked! YES! I was able to work on my own schedule between 8:00 M and 9:00 PM (eastern), from my location of choice (my home) and best part yet . . . it did not involve customer service work at all! Wow! Since I know you're interested, here are the details:

Mystery Shopping Online Job

Don't let the application/training process intimidate you. It is very simple and can be completed fairly quickly.

Once you are approved and you've completed the two page training, you will receive a list of 7 - 12 websites to visit. At each site, you will sign up to receive more information about a particular offer as if you were a regular shopper (hence the mystery shopping label). You are required to enter valid contact information. You will then take a screenshot of the confirmation page (software is provided by the company). Once you accept the follow up calls from the vendor (usually about 1/2 of the sites require that you speak with the vendor), your shop will be complete. Forward your screenshots and your completed worksheet to MysteryShoppingOnlineJobs to get paid. All payments for a given month are made via Paypal on the third day of the following month. (So, work completed during September will receive payment on October 3).

I'm telling you about this trickle because the staff was very professional, everything worked as it was supposed to and, I was paid ON TIME EVERY TIME. (In the interest of full disclosure, I also get a referral bonus).

There is a downside to this trickle, however, and it's the worse kind: This project doesn't last. I was able to complete five tasks before I "aged out" (i.e. lost my new customer perspective) of the program. But hey, I earned approximately $125 in my free time without having to leave my home. I don't think it can get much better than that.

To Apply: Send an e-mail to with Mystery Shopping Online Job in the subject line. Application information will be sent to you. YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS WILL NOT BE PUT TO ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN APPLYING FOR THIS POSITION.

*NOTE: You do not have to engage in a long conversation with the vendor. Two minutes should just about do it. You'll see what I'm talking about when you get there.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Year Later . . . Updates on Husslemoney: RESOURCES

Have you ever stayed up half the night working on a project or planning a money-making venture? Yeah, me too. Question: How often have these late night efforts panned out into a steady stream of income that you could actually build a life with? Yeah, me too. Late last year, I realized that  I have been working like a dog (on my jobs, projects, and even trickles), with little to show for it. So, as I tried to figure out what I could do to increase my income, I would chant to myself, "Work smarter, not harder. Work smarter, not harder." All that chanting didn't do me a bit of good, however, until I came across the following resources. I hope you find them to be helpful, too:

1. DormRoomCash (

Let me begin by saying that is the greatest invention on the Internet. You can literally find videos on every topic under the sun (I use it for homeschooling almost everyday). That said, when I wanted to figure out a way to "work smarter not harder," I went to Youtube.comand and did a search. I don't remember the exact parameters, but I ended up with this YouTube channel: Dorm Room Cash. The channel features lots of ways that you can earn money from home. There are also regular updates with tips on how to further pursue the ventures you've previously set up. Ventures I've started because of this series: online tutoring and freelance writing. Go ahead, check it out! You won't be sorry!


If you need to do some high level word processing, but can't afford the Microsoft Office Suite, check out by Apache. Hereis their description of what they are:

Apache OpenOffice is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be downloaded and used completely free of charge for any purpose.

I site Open Office as one of my greatest resources, because I use this software every day to manage my workload. I have created a master document that tracks my various projects (I believe I have about seven now) and their associated tasks. I also have documents where I track my work time and earnings. I could go on and on. Software rules! Apache's Open Office is a safe and effective software that will truly revolutionize the way you work.


Are there areas in your education and/or training where you are lacking? Yep, me too. I go to to fix all of that. is an online "school" where all of your classes and resulting certifications are completely free. You can study anything from Childhood development, to Twitter, to Search Engine Optimization, to Marketing. All classes are online and self-paced. I once took a class just so I could look more knowledgeable on my application. And yes, it did help. Alison isn't the only site out there that offers online training for free. I have found it to be one of the best, however.

I think I've blogged your ears off enough. Check out these resources. I swear they will really, really help.
Note: I am not getting paid to include these resources in my blog. I am telling you about them because I have found them to be extremely helpful in my quest to earn a healthy living working from home and on my own schedule.

Next time: Real online jobs. In the last year, I have found at least three LEGITIMATE work from home jobs (no investment required). I will give you a list of legitimate jobs you can apply for.

E-you soon! And, thanks for reading!

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Year Later . . . Updates on Husslemoney: PAID ADS

I started this blog more than a year ago for a number of reasons:

  • I wanted to share my trickles of husslemoney with the rest of the world (some of the things I've done are pretty cool and pretty easy).
  • I wanted to increase the size of my trickles of husslemoney by having affiliates sign up under me.
  • I wanted to build up my writing portfolio.
Sadly, things haven't quite worked out as I'd hoped. My grandfather became ill (and I've been helping with his care), my mother has developed health issues, and I've been too distracted and tired to focus on this blog. The good news is, life has stabilized. And, although we still have health issues to contend with, my family is happy and well. And really, that's all anyone can hope for.

Thing is, while I wasn't writing to you, I was still working my husslemoney trickles. Some worked out better than others. I've added some trickles (and some very cool resources) and I've dropped some. So, here's an update on what I've been able to do with paid ads:

Inbox Dollars
Now, I should start by saying that you won't get rich with any of my trickles (hence the name trickle and not flood). But, I have found that spending five or ten minutes a day looking at paid ads can result in three or more $30 checks a year. Those $30 checks have come in pretty handy. I always plan to save my payouts until October/November, so I can have the money for the holidays. It hasn't worked out that way. Final word: Inbox Dollars ( www. offers an excellent opportunity to make a little side cash. They're legitimate, they're timely, they're worth the time that you spend. Warning: You CAN do this for FREE. Try not to pay for any of their offers (unless it's for a product that you really want and/or need).

Update: Do you know that you can print grocery store coupons from Inbox Dollars? Check out the coupon tab. There is a full selection of really good coupons for products that you buy every week. Here's the bonus, not only do you get the discounts on your groceries, but you are awarded $.10 for each coupon that you actually use by Inbox Dollars! Can you say ka-ching?!

Send Earnings
Send earnings is like the little sister of Inbox Their site is similarly formatted. They feature paid ads, surveys, videos and even coupons just like Inbox Dollars. Their payout, at $30,  is even the same as Inbox Final Word: Go for it! Adding five minutes to your paid ads time results in a payout increase of $90 or more (over the course of a year). It's definitely worth the very little effort. Don't forget to print your coupons!

At this point, I can't refer anyone to Hits4pay with a clear conscience. I have been checking this site every time I check Inbox Dollars and Send Earnings and for longer and I have yet to get even one $25 check. At one point, I didn't receive any ads for three months. I even started a blog entry about how Hits4Pay was a scam. Then, I started getting ads again. Final Word: I'm not saying that Hits4pay is a scam. It probably isn't. But after more than two years of viewing ads without receiving any kind of payment, I'm thinking that it may not be worth the effort. Check back again, tho'. I may change my mind.

I just started doing Jingit in the last couple of months. With Jingit, you receive approximately $.10 to view ads and answer three or four questions. What makes Jingit unique is that you can also receive payments for scanning products with your smart phone when visiting certain stores. Payouts of $10 can be received via music downloads or via Jingit card. Note: You do have to use your first $3 payout to actually purchase the card. After that, there are no fees. Final Word: It may be worth it, especially for teens and others who like to stream music online.

That's it for now. I am researching a few other paid ad sites. But, for now, these four are the only ones that I work with regularly.

 My new goal is to post a new blog entry each Sunday before midnight. So, here's wishing me luck.

Next week's topic:

A Year Later . . . Updates on Husslemoney: RESOURCES

Check back for a few of my favorite resources that I use in my daily quest to increase my trickles of husslemoney, work smart and increase my wealth.

NOTE: I see that more than 535 people have checked out this blog. I'd like to here from you. So, QUESTION: If I were going to have a contest with a free prize for subscribers, what would you think is a good prize? Now, be reasonable, please. Maximum value $25 or less. Please let me know in the comments.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Have You Ever Thought About Being A Guinea Pig?

Good day friends!

Today, I am doing something I said I wouldn't do. I am posting for a project/opportunity that I haven't actually completed. I have started the process a couple of times, but I've never quite made it to the point where I actually get paid. BUT, that doesn't mean that this isn't a legitimate trickle opportunity. It just means that my life is topsy turvy and I haven't been able to complete these types of projects once started.

What's the opportunity you ask? Well, it's being a guinea pig!

Guinea Pig - Clinical
( is easy to do. Just go to the website (, enter the criteria that you're looking for (or willing to do - for example, I don't do drug trials). You will come up with a list of legitimate government approved studies that you may be eligible for. The benefits: you get paid, you may also get free health care (as related to the study), and you know that you're helping to further medical science (always a good thing).

So, check it out:

NOTE: This opportunity is so good, I'm telling you about it and I don't even get a referral bonus.

NOTE: I just went to this site today. I found four studies that may work for me. I will be calling tomorrow to get more information and to (hopefully) schedule screening appointments. Check this entry for updates on the results.

Previous Opportunities:

Web Address:
Referral Code:
Basically, the customer will text a question to ChaCha. You, as the " Vetter", will see the question and answer it within three minutes using the ChaCha answer database. That's it. You will receive between $.01-$.02 for each question that you answer. So, no, you won't be getting rich doing this "job." I've set a goal of earning .50 a day with this project. Best thing is, I can do it while watching TV or doing my paid ad work for I've seen where others earn significantly more than I do. But, I usually "work" for about two hours a day (while watching TV). Oh, did I tell you that you set your own schedule? After Chacha provides you with training (and test you and all that), whether you work, or not, is your choice. Question topics include: sports, trivia, quotes, Hollywood, etc. Please give me credit for referring you. It makes me look good and it helps to increase my trickle!

Referral Web Address:
This website pays $.02 for each ad viewed. It's as simple as that. The site also pays a small commission when you sign up for different offers. I strongly recommend against signing up for offers UNLESS it's for a product or service that you were going to buy anyway or the product or service is free. Payout occurs when you reach $30 in your account and you will receive your payout within 30 days of your request date. I've actually received payouts several times. Right now, I'm saving my money until November. I'm planning to spend this money on holiday presents. How much will I make between now and November 1? I'm not sure. It depends on how many ads and videos I look at, how many offers I pursue and, how many searches I perform using the toolbar. I guess I'll let you know. So, if you want to earn a little trickle in five minutes a day. Check out

Monday, March 25, 2013

Amazon Mechanical Turk

It's called micro-tasking. You do a very small task for a company, business, or university (they have a lot of studies here) for an equally small amount of money. Amazon Mechanical Turk is but one of the many, many micro-tasking sources out there. I'm writing about it here because yesterday, they deposited $17.00 into my bank account. This was all of two business days AFTER I'd entered the request and verified my bank  account information. So, here again, is a legitimate income trickle. May it help your stream to grow and flow!

Amazon Mechanical Turk
Web Address:

Amazon Mechanical Turk (who is affiliated with - I have no idea where the name comes from, however). Amazon Mechanical Turk connects you with individuals, companies, and universities around the world who have place money into an escrow account to cover all fees associated with the micro task. As a worker, you will search open tasks and for pre-stated amount complete it. Once you complete the task, it will be approved (or rejected) by the requester. Once approved, money will be placed into your Amazon Mechanical Turk account with seven days. In my experience, I have always received the money within 48 hours. Once you have a set amount in your account (you decide how much), you can transfer your money either to your Amazon account or to your bank. You can also set it up so that it's done automatically.

What if there are problems? Well, if you unable to complete a task, you can simply "return" it. Your account/reputation will not suffer for it. I had an incident where I started doing a task and experienced some technical difficullties. I wrote the requester, they apologized for their system errors and paid me for the task anyway. I'm not saying that everyone will be like this. It's just my experience.

 How much can you make? Well, I average about 1.25 each for the tasks that I do. Timewise, I average about 15 minutes for each task. Again, it's not much. But, I get to work on interesting projects that range from doing voice overs to participating in university studies to doing online research to the skies the limit.

Note: I don't get any referral money for this trickle source. I'm telling you about it because it's a good thing and I'd like to see you benefit.

I can't say when next I'll write. Just know that as soon as I get paid from a new source, I'll let you know. Until then, get your hussle on!

Previous Income Sources:

Web Address:
Referral Code:
Basically, the customer will text a question to ChaCha. You, as the " Vetter", will see the question and answer it within three minutes using the ChaCha answer database. That's it. You will receive between $.01-$.02 for each question that you answer. So, no, you won't be getting rich doing this "job." I've set a goal of earning .50 a day with this project. Best thing is, I can do it while watching TV or doing my paid ad work for I've seen where others earn significantly more than I do. But, I usually "work" for about two hours a day (while watching TV). Oh, did I tell you that you set your own schedule? After Chacha provides you with training (and test you and all that), whether you work, or not, is your choice. Question topics include: sports, trivia, quotes, Hollywood, etc. Please give me credit for referring you. It makes me look good and it helps to increase my trickle!

Referral Web Address:
This website pays $.02 for each ad viewed. It's as simple as that. The site also pays a small commission when you sign up for different offers. I strongly recommend against signing up for offers UNLESS it's for a product or service that you were going to buy anyway or the product or service is free. Payout occurs when you reach $30 in your account and you will receive your payout within 30 days of your request date. I've actually received payouts several times. Right now, I'm saving my money until November. I'm planning to spend this money on holiday presents. How much will I make between now and November 1? I'm not sure. It depends on how many ads and videos I look at, how many offers I pursue and, how many searches I perform using the toolbar. I guess I'll let you know. So, if you want to earn a little trickle in five minutes a day. Check out

Sunday, July 29, 2012

ChaCha on baby!

Wow! I waited until the last minute to post this month's blog, didn't I?  Well, I have a good reason for doing so. Last month, I promised that I wouldn't talk about any "work from home" income trickles (i.e. sources) that I hadn't actually received payment for. So, I had to wait until I actually received payment before I could speak on my newest income trickle: ChaCha. What's ChaCha you ask? Well, here is how they describe themselves:

ChaCha is like having a smart friend you can call or text for answers on your cell phone anytime for free! I'm that smart friend! ChaCha!

Web Address:
Referral Code:
Basically, the customer will text a question to ChaCha. You, as the " Vetter", will see the question and answer it within three minutes using the ChaCha answer database. That's it. You will receive between $.01-$.02 for each question that you answer. So, no, you won't be getting rich doing this "job." I've set a goal of earning .50 a day with this project. Best thing is, I can do it while watching TV or doing my paid ad work for I've seen where others earn significantly more than I do. But, I usually "work" for about two hours a day (while watching TV). Oh, did I tell you that you set your own schedule? After Chacha provides you with training (and test you and all that), whether you work, or not, is your choice. Question topics include: sports, trivia, quotes, Hollywood, etc. Please give me credit for referring you. It makes me look good and it helps to increase my trickle!

NOTE: I was paid via Paypal within one hour of posting my payment request (a $1 fee was deducted from my payment). There is no processing fee if you wait and get paid once a month.

Until next time!

 P.S. My goal isn't to spread get rich quick schemes around. Instead, it's to share legitimate home based income opportunities. The opportunities listed here will not require any kind of investment except for your time. Have questions? Please feel free to post them here. I will answer as soon as I can.

Previous Opportunities:
Web Address:
This website pays $.02 for each ad viewed. It's as simple as that. The site also pays a small commission when you sign up for different offers. I strongly recommend against signing up for offers UNLESS it's for a product or service that you were going to buy anyway or the product or service is free. Payout occurs when you reach $30 in your account and you will receive your payout within 30 days of your request date. I've actually received payouts several times. Right now, I'm saving my money until November. I'm planning to spend this money on holiday presents. How much will I make between now and November 1? I'm not sure. It depends on how many ads and videos I look at, how many offers I pursue and, how many searches I perform using the toolbar. I guess I'll let you know. So, if you want to earn a little trickle in five minutes a day. Check out

Sunday, June 10, 2012

It's My First Blog Entry! (

Good day friends!

Several years ago, I came across a blog that discussed ways that anyone can make earn money at home. Unlike every other blog or writing on making money from home, this blog was actually honest about just how much money you can make from home (not a whole lot). Years later, I am again looking for ways to earn money from home. Sadly, however, that blog no longer exists. So, as I go though the process of finding home working opportunities, I thought I would provide the same service as that excellent blog by sharing the highs and lows of my own search. If things work out, we will both end up with opportunities to earn money from home and spend more time doing the things that we actually value.

I'm sure that right about now, you're wondering what product I am going to push. You're probably wondering what astronomical sums I am going to promise you for a "small investment . " I'm not g oing to promise you anything. Fact of the matter is, I have tried a number of those earn tons of money quickly and easily opportunities. And, you know what? I got scammed. My time AND money was stolen by people I never even saw. So, no. I'm not going to promise you tons of wealth and riches that you can make from the new pool in your back yard. Instead, I am going to share my trickles with you. By trickles, I refer to trickles of cash that with time and continuous efforts will turn into an actual cash flow.

I expect that this process is going to be a slow one. I will only recommend ventures where I've actually gotten paid. So, even though I'm working on several projects now. I will not recommend them until I actually get a check in my hand AND that check clears the bank.

So, without further ado, here is my recommendation for the month of June:
Web Address:
This website pays $.02 for each ad viewed. It's as simple as that. The site also pays a small commission when you sign up for different offers. I strongly recommend against signing up for offers UNLESS it's for a product or service that you were going to buy anyway or the product or service is free. Payout occurs when you reach $30 in your account and you will receive your payout within 30 days of your request date. I've actually received payouts several times. Right now, I'm saving my money until November. I'm planning to spend this money on holiday presents. How much will I make between now and November 1? I'm not sure. It depends on how many ads and videos I look at, how many offers I pursue and, how many searches I perform using the toolbar. I guess I'll let you know. So, if you want to earn a little trickle in five minutes a day. Check out