Monday, September 15, 2014

Some Trickles Are More Like A Flow . . . Mystery Shopping Online Jobs

My "trickles of husslemoney" can be big or they can be small. Most often, they are of the smaller (really small) variety. But recently, I had the opportunity to work on a husslemoney trickle that had a really nice flow. I mean, I was able to earn between $17 - $30 for each hour that I worked! YES! I was able to work on my own schedule between 8:00 M and 9:00 PM (eastern), from my location of choice (my home) and best part yet . . . it did not involve customer service work at all! Wow! Since I know you're interested, here are the details:

Mystery Shopping Online Job

Don't let the application/training process intimidate you. It is very simple and can be completed fairly quickly.

Once you are approved and you've completed the two page training, you will receive a list of 7 - 12 websites to visit. At each site, you will sign up to receive more information about a particular offer as if you were a regular shopper (hence the mystery shopping label). You are required to enter valid contact information. You will then take a screenshot of the confirmation page (software is provided by the company). Once you accept the follow up calls from the vendor (usually about 1/2 of the sites require that you speak with the vendor), your shop will be complete. Forward your screenshots and your completed worksheet to MysteryShoppingOnlineJobs to get paid. All payments for a given month are made via Paypal on the third day of the following month. (So, work completed during September will receive payment on October 3).

I'm telling you about this trickle because the staff was very professional, everything worked as it was supposed to and, I was paid ON TIME EVERY TIME. (In the interest of full disclosure, I also get a referral bonus).

There is a downside to this trickle, however, and it's the worse kind: This project doesn't last. I was able to complete five tasks before I "aged out" (i.e. lost my new customer perspective) of the program. But hey, I earned approximately $125 in my free time without having to leave my home. I don't think it can get much better than that.

To Apply: Send an e-mail to with Mystery Shopping Online Job in the subject line. Application information will be sent to you. YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS WILL NOT BE PUT TO ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN APPLYING FOR THIS POSITION.

*NOTE: You do not have to engage in a long conversation with the vendor. Two minutes should just about do it. You'll see what I'm talking about when you get there.

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